Author Topic: 3 Screw Super Blackhawk?  (Read 571 times)

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Offline pab1

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3 Screw Super Blackhawk?
« on: August 28, 2009, 07:13:29 AM »
I plan to hunt with my dads 3 screw Super Blackhawk this fall. This is the gun that started my fascination with handguns. It was the first big bore handgun I shot. I have a few new model Rugers, but other than shooting this gun 25+ years ago, I have not been around 3 screw models, so I have a few questions.

Other than keeping the hammer on an empty chamber, are there any issues I need to be aware of with the early model SBH?

When carried in the field, should the hammer be in the fired position or the hammer safety position?

Are there any strength issues with the old models and heavy loads?
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Offline Luckyducker

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Re: 3 Screw Super Blackhawk?
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2009, 01:48:28 AM »
1.  The only issue that I know of with a 3 screw is that sometimes if shot a lot the frame screws can back out, though I don't think it happens much/often.

2.  When in carry mode the OM should be carried hammer down on an empty hole.

3.  IMO, the OM is just as strong as the NM, except for the issue in the #1. answer.

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Re: 3 Screw Super Blackhawk?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2009, 02:07:08 AM »
 You got it, just keep that hammer down on an empty chamber. Its every bit as strong as any Ruger SA ever was if its in good condition. DO NOT USE SAFE NOTCH IN THE HOLSTER AS A SAFETY!! Its a very thin piece of metal that WILL break if hit hard enough. If its over a live round, there is a good chance it will then go off...not good.

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Offline Flash

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Re: 3 Screw Super Blackhawk?
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2009, 02:09:47 AM »
Make sure your ejector rod housing screw is tight. You don't want to go shopping for parts to a three screw if you don't have to. You may want to remove it all together to check the lug where the housing attaches and reassemble it snugly. Sometimes the lug can shear off or the screw or both. When they're both tight, there's little chance of anything flying off.
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