For those of you that served the country and took the oath. At the time did you understand the meaning of the constitution as well as you do today? Constitutional law seems to change with the wind depending on the number of Justices that are conservative vs. liberal. Each year rulings are made or overturned in the interpretation of the constitution. It seems each year more and more outlandish claims are attempted,,,,,,,,,,, some pass.
I am not saying any unkind words against the heroes that serve in our military. However being a young force by nature is there a comprehension of the ideals set up in the language of the constitution? In today's military will they shoot the XO that is ordering the murder of civilians? Will they follow orders? Or will they simply do nothing and be court marshaled? I would hope these brave men and women would not fire upon their own people. But to much is at chance and none of us could stand against our military force with any likelihood of winning. Even if local national guard units assisted the people. The results of fighting our military would be more devastating than The War of Northern Aggression.
In any case even if a small thorn in their side. Anyone who would appose tyranny would be rightful in their choice.