Here's the story I got from a well known mauser collector;
ZAR/chileans are 1893's orginally made for the Boers 1,000, ser#OVS/7901 to OVS 8900 for the free state and 4,000 Ser# C-1 to
C-4,000 for the ZAR. They were returned to DWM because of the war they weren't delivered and sold to Chile. My rifle is ser# C-230x. While Chileans aren't rare finding one with matching numbers; bolt, floorplate, reciever is tough and it sounds like having one with a matching numbered turned down bolt and no rust at the reciever/ barrel line is rare.
I just ordered another one to see if lightening can strike again??
I have three ZAR's with serials ## C-xxxx one straight bolt non matching but two with turned down bolts matching.