Ken: it must be solid gold for that much. Must be the wrong price tag on it. Glad to hear the move went alright and that you are pretty much settled in by now (hope). Hope all is well with the family and that Moma hasn't caught on about the Charles Daly. That's way too much for a 45.
BTW, which Gov't Model do you have, Colt's or Springfield's? For $1800 we could probably have your entire family history engraved on the slide, plus pictures, birth dates, work address and the picture of the baby's first tooth.
We have gun shows twice a year in Albany (NY) and one of the sellers always brings a ton of finished slide and bbl combinations for just about every dang gun you can think of. I think he was charging about $3-4 for a completed slide and bbl for a short 45 but I'm not certain how much 'smithing' work it would require to fit and function properly. I can understand the desire to carry something lighter in your belt, those Gov't Models will drag your pants right down to the floor - maybe that's why my girlfriend always wants me to carry that one (she says I'm not a lot of fun with the lightweight Commander, and now I think I know why - hay, a guy can hope, can't he?).
On an aside, I wonder how much Springfield would charge to switch slides and bbls to give you something in the Combat Commander length and weight? Might be interesting to hear from them on this as the pistol they would return would have the proper fit and function. Just a thought.
Glad to hear you are keeping those legal beagles at bay. I wonder how rife the conversation is around your office about the PRK Recall?
Now, did Ar-nuld really grope all those women (at once?)? Mikey.