I have some Lee dies, but prefer other brands, namely Forster and Redding, but I also have some RCBS. I used to struggle with the lock ring on Lee dies, but no more. Just make sure you tighten down the lock ring good and tight on the press. When you remove the die, loosened up the lock ring, not the die body. Once the die is loose from the press, you should be able to turn it out the rest of the way with the die body. The O-ring is jammed up in the lock ring fairly tight, preventing it from turning on the die body. It takes a little pressure to move the lock ring on the die body once the O-ring is compressed properly, so it should not move, unless you use the die body to remove the die from the press or you purposely move the lock ring on the die. Or you could get the conventional lock rings and use them like convention die designs. You can get Forster cross screw lock rings at Midway. They are in their September flier (page eight) at $29.99 for a pack of 12. Good Luck and Good Shooting.