The first video is of a bunch of (i guess) Hollyweird types..promising (pledging) to continue kissing Barack Hussein's butt.
The second is a propaganda movie where people are into praising "chairman Mao"..
Then of course, we have watched the adulation of the dictator, Fidel Castro and the crazies that brought him to absolute power in Cuba.
Speaking of crazies, check this out;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCja99KpjWU Youtube shows a bunch of crazies last year, opening a new Barack Hussein O. campaign office in Houston last year. They are applauding as they enter the office, where a large (perhaps 4'X7') Cuban flag with Che Guverra's picture is tacked up behind the desk in the most prominent place.
Where are people's brains if they love liberty and also like dictatorships ? Duh..Obama voters.."if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...could be it's a duck" !