Coyote Hunter, the beer breakfasts I went to, many years ago, were put on by the AmVets here in the Toledo area. They started out as charity events for vetrans that needed assistance. They were always held on a Sunday morning, starting at 7am. A prayer was said, and then the festivities began. They had big wheels and card games going, with the profits going to vets. Well, after a couple of them, whoever was in charge, decided that girls in skimpy outfits would boost the revenue. Well, after a couple more, things went even further than what they should have, and finally the police shut them down. It was kinda funny, as at the last one I went to, the post had off duty Toledo police officers working the doors and floor for security, and around 11:30, they disappeared. I knew right then and there, the place was going to be shut down. That was almost 30 years ago. Don't think I could handle a cold beer with my bacon and eggs today, but didn't have a problem with it then.gypsyman