Author Topic: 27 cal cats  (Read 661 times)

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27 cal cats
« on: September 05, 2009, 04:39:53 PM »
A few years ago I got a new rem take off sendero bbl. It was 26" varment taper 27 cal for 40.00$
It sat in my shop a while intell I dicided to run the gamet of 27 wild cats. It was fitted to an extra rem action. it war a 6.5-20 leupold scope and a jewald trigger set at 14 oz. I put it in a hs pros. stock.
I shot a few 270 win loads to get an averadge vol. accuracy standed to judge the cats with. 3100fps 130 b-tip .689 group 100 yrds.
First up recamber 270 ackly 3186 fps .563 group 130 b-tip (easy to load and fire form)
270 wacker .015 body taper shoulder moved forward for a 1 cal. neck 3335 fps .675 group 130 b-tip.( a little tougher to make start with 30/06 and fitt fals shoulder fire formed using 18gr win 231 and fill case with pillow fluff)
270 wby 3280 fps .987 group 130 b-tip( made brass out of 7 mag)
270 stw 3525 fps .830 group 130 b-tip( necked down 7 stw brass to fit)
270/338 wacker shortend .1875 to fit 30/06 actions 3615 fps .467 group 130 b-tip moly ( this brass is a little tougher to make move shoulder back trimm aneal size to 30-28 then 270 no fire forming needed)
270 ultra 3598 fps 1.350 group 130 b-tip moly ( necked down 7 ultra to 27 olny one powder would give good vol altho several was tried 91.5gr retumbo)
27 wsm 3385 fps .366 group 130 b-tip( factory brass)
27-7mm wsm 3393 fps .406 group 130 b-tip (necked down 7 wsm brass chamber to 7 wsm laingth)

This cost me abot $350.00 in reloading supplys by the time I worked up to max then shot 10 5 shot groups to get an averadge vol. group for all of them.
the bbl naw sits on my sons ruger short action as a 27-7mm stw. It still shoots good and will bust rock chucks out to about 800 yrds. It is gitting a little throute ware and is gitting quit hard to cleen any more but for 40.00 wat can yo do.