I know it moved today! The breech is now free of the strap-see slideshow.
I still like PB Blaster, note the dissolved rust pools in the slideshow, that was only from a short time of squirting today, of course, but it is a good idea to put down witness plates, I had one of wood and one of steel that was already in the rig. If a penetrant just penetrates and does not dissolve rust, it won't help with situations like this. PB dissolves rust, so the compressed rust that was keeping this thing from moving at all, ran out gradually until it was able to move under 20T. force.
The other thing to do when freeing anything up is to find an indicator spot, with the two surfaces which will change clearance when it starts moving. Find one where you can get repeatable measurements. That's what my pix yesterday showing the caliper used as depth gage were all about. If you take readings after doing a particular thing (hammering let's say) and you find a tiny movement, then hammering is productive, keep it up. Today after 1 hour the reading had changed 0.020, twice what it changed all day yesterday. In the next 30 min, it changed o.040 in., so I knew I was doing productive things by pressing, taking pressure off, squirt PB, press again, hammer it a few times, then repeat pressure cycles. The objective of the pressing and hammering is really to work penetrant down into the rust. Heating can help too, particularly heating and cooling, where penetrant is added right after heating, so the cooling sucks the penetrant into the crevices.
Now I have to get the breech door open, and it feels like it is welded to the barrel at this point, no movement at all.