Author Topic: seems to be a shortage  (Read 497 times)

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Offline Kal52

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seems to be a shortage
« on: September 15, 2009, 03:24:52 PM »
I have talked to dang near every gun shop in town and none are able to get me a TDC.
Im tempted to send in one of my other guns in to get a barrel fitted and make it a combo gun set.
but the way things sound I may never see it again, or I may get it back the next day  :P

I dont know if I want to take a chance this close to season, not that id need it, its just Id want to use it right away LOL

I can get  the trap gun, and I love the stock set, may have to order some for my other shotties, but I really dont want that long of a tube and I really dont want to spend $350 for a single shot shotgun, but I just may  ;D of course then id have to take up trap.

anybody else finding the same thing, either the shotguns or the rifles?

take care
