Folks - I am grateful for your suggestions and the effort that went into them. What all your suggestions did was get my mind in overdrive thinking about a name.
So I have decided to call it the 223 Graybeard................................................................................just kidding! While someone worthy of the honor, it doesn't quite have that ring to it I was looking for.
I have come up with the 223 Stryker, and here is what is behind it...
I wanted a name that is catchy and has a good ring to it, that cannot be confused with any other cartridge name (there is an obscure 30 Streaker), and if possible, look far beyond the self-effacing last name of the creator team, and honor someone.
The U.S. military has already used the name Stryker for a combat vehicle. The vehicle is named for two American servicemen who posthumously received the Medal of Honor: Pfc Stuart S. Stryker, who died in World War II and Spc4 Robert F. Stryker, who died in the Vietnam War. I thought it could not hurt if their names were honored with a wildcat too.
Also Stryker has a great homonym.
In soccer, a Striker, is a player who plays nearest to the opposing team's goal, and is principally responsible for scoring goals.
In the world of shooting, we “score goals” when we consistently take our game, pests and varmints, and when we make high scores while target shooting.
Now it is a bit of a poll, what do you think?