Don't think either of us was ever that skinny, DD! If that really is us in a previous life, it doesn't look like I have the strength to force one of those monster sponges all the way to the bottom of that bore and then get it out again! No, I would have been pretty good at bore inspection, though, another trade I followed in my 'second' life. To do it on the 15" Dahlgren Shell Gun's bore, you simply light a candle just insde the muzzle after the bore has been scrubbed well and wet sponged, and then crawl in to inspect for visible gouges or "weeping" from an internal crack. The Federal Navy used 1st, 2nd and 3rd class 'Boys' for that job normally, but a skinny guy like me could have done OK too.
Does indeed look like the same Annapolis Battery from a different angle, in fact that closest telegraph pole in the first photo is in just the right place to be in front of the two seacoast pieces in the 15" Dahlgren, right cheek, pole and barrel pic. Photo research is lots of fun, it is really satisfying to find a good one! Thanks, Boom J.
Tracy and Mike
PS We're on our way to see Fort Point again after being skunked for various reasons on 2 previous trips.