You have to learn "diplomatic" speech. Netanyahu said he praised the FACT that Obama gave "unequivical support of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people". You haven't yet heard Obama come out and deny his support since Netanyahu said that, have you ? Netanyahu just boxed Obama into a corner, and here is why:
1) Obama could come out and deny that he really suppports Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people...and open up a new domestic mess which he doesn't need right now..observing the problems he made for himself with his Govt medicine and Commie czars.
2) Hew could let Netanyahu's description of what he said stand, thereby avoiding more domestic troubles and hoping that later, if he can get negotiations between Israel and the terrorist states next door, he can wangle a way to rip off Israel.
..Again, being diplomatic Netanyahu preferred to ignore obama's statement referring to much of Israel since the Muslim's ill fated Yom Kippur adventure as "occupied territory". Mentioning that would only make him look half as bitter as Khadaffi or I'madinnerjacket.