The Marlin 60 is one the best all time huntingsporter .22's in the semi auto catagory, Ive had differnt makes and models and its hard to beat the Model 60 for what it does and what you get.....just keep it clean, For new tuber's The new made Taurus model 63 in .22lr is another that comes to mind, Ive seen the new 63 and I can say for the money spent there allot of value there, only plastic on that .22 is the buttplate! the other's worthy of mention are no longer made but can be found in good condition the Remington nylon66, the Remington 552 speedmaster, the Winchester 190 all come to mind, the whole slew of used old .22's Mossberg, Savage Stevens, Colt-Colteer, High Standard, Marlin,these mfg all made semi auto tube mag.22's.
I like boltaction .22's but for hunting I use a pump .22, Taurus makes some nice ones with steel receivers
Winchester/Remington/Browning made some nice hunting pump .22's, I have a Taurus 72C-S which is
.22mag /Pump action carbine / all stainless, One hell of a nice .22 allot of value for not that much money.
New Bolt action .22's with tube fed mag I'd suggest a Marlin, I still have a old Marlin 81 that's the most accurate of the bunch, otherwise its anyones pick of used .22's a most mfg's made a model with a tube fed mag.