Yeah...I agree w GB. Huge boars look GREAT in the pics and lend themselves to spectacular stories..... pay for all of that fat and they are GENERALLY not as good to eat as a 150lb or less animal. The taxidermist is gonna curse ya cause they are alot more work and are heavy to deal with. AND...they may look like russians (whatever that means) but are cross breeds as wild hogs GENERALLY and as a rule don't grow to 400lbs unless the feed and genetics are outstanding.....
Also...the overall hunting experience is GENERALLY better with the 250lb or less hog as they are in their prime, kinda young, hormone laden breeder adults. I've found that it's a coin flip with them as to whether they will run and/or have the proponsity to stand and fight. The really big guys just kinda look you over and move off (GENERALLY). The sub-adults, GENERALLY run and run and run.... Now these are my opinions, take them however you like and others may think differently and that's fine with me!
Pure russians.....nahhh.....nice trophy hogs?? Definately....