In Ohio, No dogs, No shot, No rifles. Slugs only with shotguns only being able to hold 3 shells. You will get a ticket if you don't have your gun pluged. You can use a muzzy, 32 cal. or larger, or a handgun, 357 cal. or larger, if you want. You can only carry 1 gun while in the field.
I have also seen fella's get a ticket for not carrying a pencel to fill out there tag with. The temporary tag must also be filled out an attached to the deer before you field dress or handle it in any way. You also must provide written permission if approched in the field on private land or you will get a ticket.
I'll be using my ol' Mossy 12ga. rifled. Sporting a 2x7 Leupy. 3" Win. Super X sabots. I have found these to shoot just as good as the high dollar Win.
I live in what they call the flatlands, of central Ohio. Big time agriculture. We hunt what we call patch woods. Just small tract's of woods surrounded by corn, beans or wheat, w/a couple river bottoms we also get into. Hopefully the crops will be gone by gun opener. Usually is. We do small 4 to 8 man drives, never getting any closer then 300 yd. to a road. We have hunted together and the same patch woods so long, the deer are almost predictable. Notice I said almost.