I think one of the m ost important things when talking kids along, is to not "take them along"
so many take youngsters, but as an aside, and the hunt or trapping or whatever, is still focuses on the grownup-
when you are taking a youngster- then THAT becomes the goal of the trip- not taking game, not getting as many traps out as possible, but teaching, looking at tracks, talking about weather, etc and etc
RdFx- that how we grew up as well- first thing in them orning out the door- and ma would asy where you going? "to the woods" and we would be there all day. hunted alone at 11, but strickly forbidden to hunt with any other kid- dad was very firm on that (the old 1 kid is a kid, 2 kids are half a kid theory.....). the alone hunting was learned after 2 years of going, but carrying unloaded gun, and man, I better always treat it as IF loaded- then hunts with dad, then allowed to go alone.
would that even be legal now a days I wonder?
same on trapping, I remember being carried on his shoulders at age 4-5 checking mink traps- and going bowhunting with dad is also one of my earliest memories. one day I'll never forget, dad spent it hand squeaking in fox just cause I thought it fun, rather than the lets be serious quiet bowhunting