Just wanted to add here, if you want a more "generic" approach to your question, I trap in Southeastern Nebraska myself. I catch a lot of coyotes and dryland coons at the same sets. The habitats overlap in this region greatly. The edge of any field, fencerow, weedy draw, etc. will often be traveled by just about any species, but especially coons and coyotes alike.
I went to making my dirt sets account for either. Gang setting is important, and I set 3 sets at good locations. I mix up my sets, too. One will be a dirthole or double dirthole set (two holes, one dirt pattern and trap), other two will be post sets and flat sets or a blind set.
I use #2 longsprings at all my dryland sets now, too. This trap will hold coyotes nicely but is not nearly as large and damaging to coons as #3s or the bigger coyote-sized coils on the market. A good, beefed up 1.75 coil is also a nice compromise for either species on land sets.
If I am specifically targeting coons with a set, then it will be a "coon" dirthole and not a coyote dirthole. (large hole, large dirt pattern, lots of fishy bait, etc.) but if I suspect either may visit the set, then I make it for coyotes and it works for either species.
As for lure/bait, I use a lot of fish. The coyotes here seem to like it a lot, but of course the coons do too. I use a lot of red fox gland lure and bobcat gland lure, too. It works very well on either species. So does beaver castor or mink gland lure, too. I get few coons on coyote urine or coyote gland lure. The red fox urine or red fox gland lure is by far the top producer for me on both species at these gang-setted multiple species locations. I do get doubles on coons, and once and awhile doubles on coyotes, too. Only had a couple of coon/coyote combo doubles. But more often than not I get one species, then the other within a day or two at most on the remakes. Haven't seen any pattern there yet, and one doesn't seem to show any fear of the other at remade sets either. I lure all of my remakes heavily with bobcat or mink gland lure for my changeup lure. It works every time for me.