Worse than some better than others
firearms are licensed as is ammunition but in fact despite what the Police say they are actually no limits on the amount owned in law. It's the darned Police which make these rules up as they go along
Sure there are stupid rules like the one on expanding ammo. The Police wanted ALL expanding ammunition banned so only THE POLICE could have it
and they're about the last ones to trust with it here in the UK! so we have this stupid law now as because the Polcie wanted it and the government was in crisis over the Dunblane shooting, which it seems the Police were responsible for most of the victims anyway
poorly trained coppers with full auto 9mm's and a Gym full of kids is not a good mix it seems
despite the Police cover up and the official report it also seems that Hamilton did not shoot himself but was sero so no load development
no practice with your hunting amo, only FMJ's executed by the Police who then changed his clothing to cover up the fact. What they forgot was that the children who survived saw it all! There is a book called Dunblane uncovered written by a survinig teacher that the Police and Governmet tried to stop being published but failed to do so. s
Of course they forgot about the 1968 Deer Act which specifies that expanding ammunition MUST be used for deer
so we have a exception for those who shoot deer but you really should not shoot expanding ammo at the range only to zero no practice with them only FMJ or match bullets allowed for that. Then there is the transport of expanding bullets. Cannot be done by normal post or carrier and can only be done by armoured car like large amounts of cash etc
so no ordering by mail order and even a box of bullets, not cartridges just bullets, must be kept locked in a secure cabinet :LOL pathetic really. Even though it's been pointed out the stupidity of all this it won't change as that would mean showing the Police for the daft idiots they really are. Loaded ammo must be secured and it's always been that way since licensing came into effect so 50+ years ago. Meanwhile armed crime rates soar as criminals and illegals don't bother with the law so it's no hinderence to them anyway