GB, that is one of the best posts I have read in some time. YES, there is a difference between the Republicans and the democrats. No, it's not as big a difference as I would like, but still a difference. What really makes me laugh are the couple of posters here who constantly demonize the Republicans as a "lesser of two evils", but strongly supported RP. Guess what, RP is a Republican. So, apparently all Republicans are not the "lesser of two evils". AND, if the voters thought like they did, RP would have been the Republican nominee. John McCain was my LAST choice (on the Republican side), which means that he still was my first choice over the democrat nominee. Apparently, much of the problem rests with the voters of this Country. But, idiots have as much right to vote as anyone else (despite my beliefs on the subject).
There is a difference in the ideology of the Republican and Democrat party platforms, but when the votes are counted in the bills passed, the Republicans swing just enough to the left side to get it through. This happens time and time again.
Once in a great while , the people elect a Congressman that thinks outside the box (like Paul).
This can even happen on the Donkey side.
You say John McCain was your first choice over the Democratic nominee! What if the Democrat nominee (Hypothetically)was Ron Paul? Would you still have voted McCan't over him? I think people still think party lines over good judgment. I think most would agree Paul stands head and shoulders above McCain, when it comes to being a conservative that believes in the Constitution, but would still vote McCain, if the party leaders thought they should. This is what good follower's (sheeple) do.
Sadly, I don't think anything will ever change this mentality.