Just got back from "sitting" in the northwoods, for about a week. O.K. here goes.
Saturday,(opener), Sunday, all day. (all day will be defined as 1/2 hour before legal opening time to legal quitting time, "ah hem" or just a tad bit more, with my rifle being unloaded at the prescribed time of course) Monday 11 A.M till quit time,
Tue. all day,
Wed. 11 A.M. till quit,
Thusday, all day,
Friday 11 A.M. till quit,
Sat. start till 10 A.M.
Now understand that would be for 2 hunters, on 2 different stands, over looking to different type of areas.
My son and I, plus another hunting companion, who I will say, hunted an equal amount as Us. To be acrurate they did go and watch one of the DNR excuses on Thursday.
Total tally of DEER seen or observed by my son and I. One 8 point buck, by me, walking along the side hill, while not to far to slip a bullet into him it never offered a sure shot, est. 150 yds. maybe I should have cut down some of those poplars and cleared a lane, hell, the forestry isn't letting anyone do it, just letting it die anyway.
While I don't want to get on a wolf/coyote rant I had coyotes right outside my door, that would be a 1st in 24 years in this location (Florence county). Don't get me wrong, a day hunting, bow or gun, doesn't usually go by with out hearing 'em sing. (I do not like their serenade by the way) This was the 1st I had 'em next door. I also heard my 1st, TWO, wolves howling on Tuesday eve. I have seen their tracks in the snow, in my hunting area though.
I give my 13 Y.O. a lot of credit for toughing it out the way he did. It can be tough for a kid to, enjoy something, when there is no hope of enjoying anything. We have to keep our youths interest up in hunting, or, we, will not have a future. That is, what the Depatment is also doing, which basically pisses me off even more.
JeffG is right and a trend I hope continues, go west young man, old man, ladies, heck, everybody, How about South, North, I've even been east a few times and had it a hell of alot better, ANYWHERE but here, for a while anyway, WE need to send a message. OR, how about getting the truth on THEIR agenda, I still believe there is more hear than meets the eye, ther I go reading between the lines again. CRASH 87