My daughter-in-law showed up a week ago with an unopened 4-pound cannister of "Bullseye". She wanted to know if I had room for it now. I wanted to do a little dance-jig!!
After hurricane Katrina destroyed everything we owned, I bought some more reloading equipment. Living in a little travel trailer, we didn't have enough room to store much so my son held this powder for me.
All of my other stuff we kept in a storage container. Thieves broke in and stole everything we had in there. All of our reloading stuff, furniture and appliances, everything! The few guns I had replaced were in the trailer with me, thank God!
Our house is finally finished. Now, I am trying to slowly buy some used reloading equipment and, would like to first reload for my Redhawk and Marlin 1894, both in .44mag. With these two back in action, I could hunt and spend some range time. I could have two guns back in action with one set of dies, one bullet, and one caliber of brass etc..
Question; Using the "Bullseye", is there a decent fast load for the .44s that I could use safely with a 240gr. to 255gr bullet? If not, I'll just have to use the "Bullseye" for my .45acp Springfield 1911. Why couldn't it have been some "Unique" or "2400"? But hey, I ain't complaining!