There is more posted each year here in NY State. The idea of "leasing" land has not been a popular idea, except for the lumber companies etc. Leasing is gaing ground slowly however with "timberland management" people leading the way.
Hunting is a big income producer for the state in many ways, so a few years ago the state legislature passed a law that made the land owner not responsible for accidents to hunters etc., especially trespassers (those without permission). I am well known in my area so I have verbal and tacit permission from many in my area. I have no paper that states as such, but I am not concerned too much with that, since the word of all those who I have permission from is as good as a signed paper anyway. Even then, I will probably hunt in my own small woods, at least to start, since it is a "bottleneck" or wooded area that connects two larger wooded sections.