"The real queston is one better than another?...few people that are happy with there Mid Way blue ones. Any ...reasons for buying another? I know RCBS has an issue a few years ago."
No reason to call one better than another. They are quite simple devices, a plastic bowl and base, some springs and a cheap motor. No secrets to making them either.
Midway, RCBS, Hornacy, Dillon, Lyman, etc. are all at the mercy of the makers of the motors so don't blame the brand when a run of motors goes bad. If the seller makes it good that's about as much as we can ask of them.
I wonder how many repairable tumblers get tossed and new ones bought simply because of a broken power wire or motor gone bad. I had a Lyman 1200 motor burn out on one of the first vib tumblers on the market, after several years of use. I had a "toss out" kitchen exhaust hood my wife had me replace at that time, it had a motor that fit so I made the swap. It's still running after many more years of use. But, I could have bought a replacement motor at a local electrical supply house for about $15 or so, full retail.