had a interesting hunting experience this weekend! a buddy of mine has recently purchased his grandparents farm about 30 miles north of me here in wisconsin. old home, several barns and out building, app. 40 acres of land that had over the years been neglected. His grandfather past eariler this year and his grandmother has recently relocated to live with one of her daughters in madison. He purchased the place, and is currently doing some remodeling and then is planning on moving there with his family, he mentioned on 2 occassions that there were alot of chickens that were not at all use to humans, as his grandmother had not been able to care for them properly. ferrel is the only way that I can describe it.
two weeks ago, he commented that the chickens needed to go, as some were nesting the in the barn and had (messed) on the old tractor and in general were a pain in the back side.
I mentioned that I could give him a hand with that if he wanted. So yesterday morning, I loaded a couple of guns up (.22 bolt action rifle and H&R .410) and we headed up there.
HOLY CRAP! is the only way to describe what we found, ALOT of chickens was the understatement of the year! They were living everywhere, under the buildings in the barns, coop, corn crib, and porch, if a bird could get under there they did....
We pulled up outside the house and there were probably 30-40 chickens in the grass and gravel drive, running as we arrived, I cannot tell you the exact number of chickens that were on the property there has to be aleast 100 , it was like nothing I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sat on the porch and shot 13 of them from there. After that we moved to the barn and knocked off another 9 from the rafters with .22 shorts. we then made our way through grass, brush and debris and believe it or not them little birds can move when properly motivated. we killed around another dozen there.In two hours I shot through a whole box of .410 shells and ran out of .22 shorts (close to a full box).
I brought home 20 chickens yesterday afternoon and me, wife and kids cleaned them and froze em.
I think the chickens were a little better off than me, cuz the wife sure gave me the cold shoulder for the the rest of the night.....
BTW dont tell the wife that I bought 3 more boxes of shorts and 2 more boxs of .410 shells today at wally world, cuz I know where I am head next weekend......
BOY if she was ticked last night, wait till she finds out were having chicken for dinner tonight
Next weekend I will bring the camera and snap some pics....