Sorry 'bout that-here's the text. The pretty format of the pdf is missing but all the info is present:
Name and surname: Francisco Javier López-Martín
Place and date of birth: Madrid, May 30th 1965
2007: Ph.D. Sir John Cass Department of Art, Media & Design, London Metropolitan University (England), with the thesis “Historical and technological evolution of artillery from its earliest widespread use until the emergence of mass production techniques”.
1992: BA (Hon.) in History, University of Madrid, Spain.
1999: Metallurgy for Archaeology, Faculty of Chemical Sciences, University of Madrid.
1997: Procedures for Studying and Preserving Metals, America Museum, Madrid.
1995: Heritage Conservation, International University Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, Spain.
1995: Major Historical Museum Holdings, Prado Museum, Madrid.
1993: Archives and History, National Historical Archive, Madrid.
1993: Archival Techniques, Institute of Historical Studies, Sánchez-Albornoz Foundation, Ávila, Spain.
1992: Techniques of Historical Research, University of Madrid.
1993: Muzzle Loading Firearms, Army Museum, Madrid.
2006 (England) Universities China Committee in London, for research in Beijing.
2006 (England) London Metropolitan University to attend a conference at Mossel Bay, South Africa, and give the paper “Portuguese artillery: clues for its evolution and identification 1500-1700” (the flight London-Johannesburg-Mossel Bay suspended by Virgin Atlantic, missing the connections).
2005 (Spain) Dirección General de Relaciones Institucionales , Spanish Ministry of Defense.
2002 (England) Royal Historical Society.
2002 (England) Armourers & Brasiers’ Company.
2001 (Spain) Instituto de Crédito Oficial.
2000 (England) Sir John Cass Department of Art, Media & Design.
1992: Scholarship awarded by the University of Madrid to work as an assistant archivist.
2008 Manager Fundación Melilla Ciudad Monumental, Melilla.
2004: Curator for the exhibition “La artillería de los Reyes Católicos”, Castillo de la Mota, Medina del Campo (Valladolid) July 30th / Oct. 30th 2004.
1992/ Dec. 1999: Assistant to the Head of Firearms Collection at the Army Museum (Madrid, Spain).
1994/ Dec. 1999: In charge of cataloguing the Portable Firearms and Artillery collections in the Maritime Museum (Madrid, Spain).
1998/ Dec. 1999: Teacher for the specialised course: “Theory and Practice in the Restoration and Conservation of Metals and Historic Weapons”, CEROA (Madrid, Spain).
1996: Collaboration in the exhibition catalogue: “Navegantes y Naúfragos. Galeones en la Ruta del Mercurio”, Science Museum/ La Caixa Foundation (Barcelona, Spain).
1994: Collaboration in the exhibition catalogue: “V centenario del Sargento”, Military Historic Archives (Madrid, Spain).
1993/ 1994: Organising and drawing up the inventory of Gabriel Ciscar (1759-1829) documents, lodged in Regional Army Museum (Valencia, Spain).
2008: “Did naval artillery really exits during the Modern period?”, en Ships and Guns: The sea ordnance in Venice and in Europe between the 15th and the 17th century. International congress, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità e del Vicino Oriente, Università Ca’ Foscari. Venice, Dec. 11-12.
2008: “Edward Cooper and the Study of Medieval Warfare”, in A Life in Castles; Essays in Honour of Dr. Edward Cooper, London Metropolitan University. London May 28th.
2008: “La artillería en el entorno Mediterráneo a principios del siglo XVI”, in Jornadas Conmemorativas del 2 de Mayo de 1808, RACA 32. Melilla, April 23rd.
2007: “Artillería y fortificación en el contexto norteafricano”, in II Congreso Internacional Ciudad y Patrimonio: Muralla y Ciudad en el Ámbito Norteafricano, UNED/Instituto de Cultura Mediterránea. Melilla, Oct. 8th-9th.
2006: “Un tesoro bajo el mar: la artillería como herramienta cronológica”, in III Jornadas Universitarias de Arqueología Subacuática y Patrimonio Sumergido, Universidad de Huelva. Huelva, Nov. 27th-30th.
2006: “Evolución de la artillería en Europa durante el siglo XV”, in El Triunfo de la Pólvora, III Curso de Historia y Arqueología Medievales, Departamento de Historia Medieval, Universidad de Huelva. Santa Olalla de Cala, Nov. 3rd-5th.
2006: “15th century Chinese and European cast iron cannon production”, in The 6th International Conference on the Beginnings of the Early Use of Metals and Alloys, Universidad Popular de Ciencia y Tecnología. Beijing, Sept. 15th-20th.
2005: “Spanish arms and armour in the V&A”, in Spanish Art at the Victoria & Albert Museum.. London, Feb. 25th.
2004: “Las armas de pólvora a finales del siglo XV en España”, in Las obras de los reyes Católicos en la Alhambra Las fortificaciones, la Alhambra. Granada, Sept. 17th.
2008: “The wreck of the Danish warship Engelen and the recovery of her artillery from the sea at the beginning of the 16th century”, (awaiting response from the International Journal of Nautical Archaeology).
2008: “Did naval artillery really exist during the Modern period? A brief note on cannon design”, en Beltrame, C., Ridella, G. (ed.) Ships and Guns. The sea ordnance in Venice and in Europe between the 15th and the 17th century. International Conference, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità e del Vicino Oriente, Università Ca’ Foscari, Oxbow Books, Oxford (in press).
2007: “Artillería y fortificación en el contexto norteafricano”, UNED/Instituto de Cultura Mediterránea (in press).
2007: “La evolución de la artillería en el siglo XIV con especial atención a los manuscritos de Walter de Milemete y los primeros usos de la artillería en Europa”, en Actas del congreso “El Triunfo de la Pólvora”, III Curso de Historia y Arqueología Medievales, Santa Olalla de Cala (Huelva), 3-5 de noviembre, Departamento de Historia Medieval, Universidad de Huelva (in press).
2005: Fichas de catálogo para la exhibición Don Quijote de La Mancha, la sombra del caballero.
2004: “La evolución de la artillería en la segunda mitad del siglo XV. El reinado de los Reyes Católicos y el contexto Europeo”, en Aurelio Valdés (ed.), Artillería y Fortificaciones en la Corona de Castilla durante el Reinado de Isabel la Católica 1474-1504 (pp. 181-223), Madrid.
2004: “Dos centros fundamentales de arte y artillería en los inicios de la España Moderna: Málaga y Medina del Campo”, en La artillería de los Reyes Católicos, catálogo de exhibición, castillo de la Mota, 30 de julio/ 30 de octubre (pp. 25-39).
2001: “A preliminary view of the cannon recovered from the Lena Shoal Shipwreck”, European Institute of Underwater Archaeology/ Periplus Publishing, London (pp. 239-42).
2001: “El Legado de la Colección Echeverría”, Museo Nacional de Escultura, Valladolid (pp. 19-42).
2000: Fichas de catálogo para la exhibición Carlos V. La Náutica y la Navegación, Museo de Pontevedra, Pontevedra.
1999: “Un cañón de Cristóbal Frisleva en el Museo Naval de Madrid”, Gladius, 19: 197-220.
Finishing the editing of his Ph.D. thesis for publishing within 2010.
During his Ph.D. research he was able to gain access to the main European armouries, arsenals, public and private collections in the following countries:
- Germany: Bad Reichenhall, Munich, Braunfels, Coburg, Nuremberg, Rudolstadt, Ingolstadt, Coblenza, Königstein, Dresden, Regensburg, Sigmaringen, Wernigerode, Zwickau, Amberg, Augsburg, Berlin, Spandau, Eisenach, Hamburg, Würzburg
- Austria: Graz, Vienna, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Kufstein
- Belgium: Dinant, Bruges, Brussels, Diest, Gent, Malines, Namur
- China: Beijing
- Denmark: Copenhague
- Spain: Batres, Burgos, Huelva, Madrid, Sevilla, Ponferrada, San Sebastian, Valladolid, Cádiz, San Vicente de la Barquera, Guadalajara, Puerto de Sta. María, Soria, Ricla, Segovia, Tarazona, Ampudia, Baza, Grajal de Campos, Las Navas del Marqués, Roa, Segovia, Marchena, Comillas, Laredo, Liérganes-La Cavada, Pastrana
- France: D'Auffay, Oherville, Briquedalle, St. Malo, Rouen, Brest, Dijon, Paris, Port-Louis, Sassetot-le-Mauconduit, Mont Saint Michel, Cap d’Agde
- Netherlands: Arnhem-Velp, Delft, Lelystad, Amsterdam, Enkhuizen, Terschelling Island, Rijswijk
- Irland: Derry, Dublin, Belfast
- Italy: Fermo, Offagna, Senigallia, Venecia, Florencia, Émpoli, Mondavio, Turín, Siena, Génova, Rignano-Flaminia, La Spezia, Vincenza
- Liechtenstein: Vaduz
- Morocco: Safi, Tangier, Fez, Essaouira
- Poland: Cracow, Varsovia
- Portugal: Mourao, Vila-Viçosa, Valença do Minho, Vendas Novas, Vidigueira, Lisboa, Pinhel, Oporto, Mafra, Peniche, Sagres, Cascais, Azores (Angra do Heroismo), Elvas, Alter do Chao
- England: Boston, London, Worcester, Portsmouth, Dover, Leeds, Orford, Ramsgate, Southampton, Teignmouth, Birchington, Liverpool
- Scotland: Blair Atholl, Ayrshire, Edimburgh, Glasgow, Kilmarnock, Kettins, Jedburgh, Inverary, Oban, Dundee
- Sweden: Stockholm, Kalmar
- Switzerland: Biel, Solothurn, Stein-am-Rhein, Berna, Geneve, Grandson, Basel, Zurich, Morat, La Neuveville, Neuchatel, Morges
- Turkey: Istanbul,
achieving a photographic collection of 17,146 digital photographs, mainly of artillery prior 1700.