Man raised captured wolves to reintroduce into the wild. They will probably crossbreed with coyotes because they haven't got the ancient tendency to kill the coyotes like their ancestors raised in the wild. When I was young, coyotes were not east of the Mississippi, neither was armadillos. Somehow with all the bridges across rivers now, they have crossed them at night and spread eastward. We had lots of foxes, oppossums, but no armadillos or coyotes. Coyotes here in the south will cross breed with wild dogs, making a very dangerous predator not afraid of humans. Always carry in the woods. Let the liberal and naives go in the woods without a weapon. Not me. We also have copperheads, rattlers, and cottomouths that might need dispatching. I never kill a king snake though, they kill rattlers. I also know of a guy who went turkey hunting one spring and was attacked by 5 wild dogs with a pit bull as the lead. He shot the pit bull and the others scattered. He said he came out of the woods shaking. I always shoot a wild dog with no collar. I have caught two dogs with collars and returned them to their owners, but if they have no collar, I assume they are wild.