alsaqr, do you think that voting BACK IN, the same ones that caused the problems is the solution? Do you think that voting same ole, same ole, over and over, is going to fix the problems?
alsaqr, do you think your whining when you point out OBVIOUS FAULTS in the Republican AND Democratic parties?
Do you feel like a drunk in a bar, or are you like me, and don't go into bars. Do you feel that when REDUNDANT REPUBLICANS admit that there is little difference in the Republican and Democratic parties that continue voting for them again anyway, is a solution, or part of the problem?
Do you feel that these REDUNDANT REPUBLICANS are "slow learners" and someone we should not listen to?
I do.
They, these REDUNDANT REPUBLICANS wail and cry, about Obama, but have no answers of their own, only to vote for the lessor fool, all the while blaming someone else, and thinking that no one hears or sees, their tears and cries, of frustration at a failed voting practice, they cannot tear themselves away from. They have no individuality, only their herd instinct and finger pointing. One finger pointed at us, because we will not join them, and three at themselves.
I do not want to be in the same herd as they, and am not.