A few miles south of town is a road side park (picnic area), it is remote, no houses close by so an ideal place to dump unwanted dogs. Over the years there have been many dropped there that did pack up with coyotes and interbreed. Most often they are females and in heat when dropped off. If the dog is of a larger breed the off spring are usually larger than the pure coyote. My place is just a few miles from the road side park so I see the results fairly often. I have killed a few what appeared to be coyote that were of exceptional size. A year or so ago I was setting in a deer blind when I seen a doe come through like she was on fire, behind her were several dogs, a black Cocker Spaniel looking dog, a big mixed breed German Sheppard and two mixed Labradors along with what looked like a cross coyote. I killed the Cocker and one of the Labradors but couldn’t get a shot at the others; they stopped chasing the deer and turned back in the direction they had come from.
A friend use to raise goats and sheep as well as cattle, he told me the cross breed dogs would often kill sheep and goats just for the fun of it, they didn't mees with the cattle much unless it was a new calf. One day he came upon a pack of 8-10 that had killed several kids, they had not eat any of them but continued to chase the herd trying to kill more, he grabbed his old 30-30 and stepped out to shoot them, he walked about thirty-forty feet from his truck and started firing but found he only had four rounds in the gun, they turned on him and chased him back to the truck. He said he was darn lucky he got there before they got to him as they seemed intent on doing him harm.
This same old friend use to laugh at me for carrying a SKS as a truck gun, the next time I seen him he said he had hung the old 30-30 up and was packing an SKS and two 20 round mags. of ammo.