That is a good idea I would wet sand the paint and wood because the dust will help fill the pores .
You are getting 'good penetration' with this paint job Doug . That will make it easier for some Jarhead in the distant future to keep it shinny like the admiral likes it .
Humm ? Private jarhead ! Present your body to polish this gun untill I am tired of watching you polish it PRIVATE ! 15 -14 -13 - 12- 11- 10 -9 -. ........3, 2, 1, LOCK IT UP PRIVATE !

. I WANT TO SEE THE BORE FROM THE OUTSIDE YOU #):"$ ^* maggot smellin>^!~*!$sick licker #@+-=:,? ....more bad words .
so on and so on ...........and so on till private Doug dies at the postion of attention , standing in front of a gun that no longer exists because private Doug did his duty . He is far too scared to fall down dead for many days ....... untill his Senior Drill Instructor Gives him perrmission to fall down dead .
Yep it has happened , and is happening right now at the Marine Corps Recruit Training Depots (MCRD)
San Diego CA . and Parris Island S.C.
God Bless the Marines
OK sometimes The Corps gets the better of me .....! Semper Fi.
So that ! private Doug is all a good thing because some future PVT Doug will not have to polish your gun untill it is gone . So lay that paint on thick and sand accordingly .
I'm talking Navy Paint it ! Globb that paint on till it is at least as strong as the wood or steel it is surrounding ! Keeping all corners and sides square too .
I watched two Navy guts paint 5 or 6 bolts in rotation untill one bolt dried , then they would time the next one to dry so that an entire ...'shift' (I guess) was taken up painting maybe 30 bolts .
I think the Navy would be hard pressed to ever get a wrench on any of them . The joke was "OH GOD NO ! DONT EVER TAKE THE PAINT OFF THE BOLTS OR WE ARE DONE ,FOR SURE !"
It must have worked OK the LPD-12 is now awaiting her fate as scrap or a target ship .