Seems you've jumped to a few false conclusions. Let me take a moment to point out a few things.
I never said that all Kel Tecs were as dependable as Glocks. A Glock is one of the few pistols that I'd almost trust, "Out of the Box".
My experience with Kel Tecs has been a little different than the ones you related. If I tell you that the ones I own are trustworthy, believe it. I don't carry a weapon that has not proven it's self to be reliable. For what they are designed to do, they do it well. Once one is proven reliable, if properly maintained and fed good ammo, (Yep, mine feed hollowpoints) the provability that it will fire when called upon is about as good as a mechanical device can be. The Kel Tecs are not range guns. They are not made to stand up to thousands of rounds. If used as such, they will not last for long. Just to clear up one other thing: NO FIREARM is warranted to work all the time, under all conditions. As all mechanical things are individual unto themselves, to make such a blanket statement about the Kel Tecs is arrogant and uninformed.