I stopped at a new gun shop today - always a fatal mistake. While browsing around I found two octagonal 10 inch Contender barrels. One was in .38 Special and included the sights and forend (snap on, not screw on). It was listed at $85 - but, it wasn't in great condition. The finish was pretty bad and didn't seem to have been a highly polished blue to start with, I guess it would be no more than a fair overall. The second barrel was a .22 Jet - better shape, at least a good overall, but it had a Weaver base and no rear sight - the shop was asking $125 for it. It appeared to require a screw on forend (not included) instead of the snap on of the .38. I know these barrels would be collectible if they were in really good condition - would they be worth trying to bargain for as is?