Finaly caught a good day, light wind and bright. Shooting sporter wt. Howa .223. Test load or whatever you call it - 53 gr Sierra match hp, 5/8", 5/8". 53 gr semi pointed from .705 jacket 5/8", 1". 53 grain 6s pointed .705 jackets 7/8", 15/16". 55 gr 6s pointed from .625 jackets 1 7/8". 55 gr 6s pointed from 22 RF jackets 1 7/16", 5/8". 55 gr semi pointed from 22 RF jackets 9/16".
This from tired 69 year old eyes and a slight creep in trigger- so I'm pretty happy with results, think I need to tighten control of weight and inspection, softer swaged ie larger swaged points seem to do better, will make more with tighter quality controls and repeat.
All shot nearly same place @ 100 yds, and all xtra rounds shot at metal swinging plate @ 100 yds and hit every time with center hold.