that's what dc needs, so people don't get pinched trying to get their guns home
just fill out the paperwork, wait for the background check, take the box like a happy meal (childhood memories!
) and drive off, no "carry" involved
here in mo I can just grab one from the car, clear it out, and walk up to the shop carrying it, muzzle down and no one says a thing even though it's on mainstreet, downtown about two blocks from the police station and maybe viewable from the cop-shop (it's an open carry state but towns can restrict open carry-can't stop you from doing your business though)
I think up until recently I didn't even own a decent carrying case (my trunk seal went bad so the carpet gets damp enough to rust anything blued)
so in texas... ? what's the need/reason? when I go into a gun shop I just like to walk around and smell the powders and oils, touch things I'm never gonna buy, hell I'd lick them if I wouldn't get blacklisted!!!!