1) I don't like the 2.xx% additional tax.
2) I don't like the idea of the government telling me what I can and can't do. Some people don't want health care insurance.
3) Any government run program is full of beauracracy which is expensive and full of red tape.
4) We can't afford it. Deficit spending will result in high taxes, and future high inflation.
5) They didn't even listen to any proposals of the Republicans like allowing you to choose a policy from another state which will be cheaper, basically allowing capitalism to bring down costs by competition.
6) They did not have tort reform, limiting malpractic suits. My doctor said he paid $2,600 a month for the insurance. How much lower could cost be without this excessive insurance they have to pay.
7) A poll was conducted among doctors and 45% of them said they may take early retirement to avoid all this paperwork and hassle with the government.
85% of the so called uninsured in America work full time and have insurance offered at their places of employment. They opt not to buy it. Why?, mostly because they are young, healthy and feel they don't need it now.
9) Preventative disease, such as STD's and illegals have caused a lot of the health care increases. What about quarintines like they had in the past, and round up the illegals and send them home, build the wall.
10) Drugs are cheaper overseas, so allow mail order companies to fill your perscriptions with lower cost drugs from imports.
If these items were implemented first, then have a safety net for the uninsurable, truely poor, etc. which would'nt cost $1 trillion dollars, but maybe much less. But NO, the dems won't listen. They won't compromise, so they must go in 2010. Vote conservatives in, true Republican conservatives, and independents, and maybe we can take back congress and stop Obama's socialism.