Author Topic: 7mm-08 opinions please  (Read 465 times)

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Offline puma4440

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7mm-08 opinions please
« on: November 09, 2009, 02:15:55 PM »
I've been kickin' around on getting another barrel, but would like some feed back.

I'm thinking 7mm-08 for a few reasons,
1.I have hundreds of 7mm caliber bullets from 140 to 175.
2.I need to fill a nitch between my .223 and 30-06.
3.Recoil seems like it would be nice off of the bench.(looking at the #'s)
4.My old 44WCF could use a break, it's taken it's share of deer, and a bear.

How are the Handi-shooters liking the 7mm-08?
Is it reloader friendly?

Offline dpe.ahoy

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Re: 7mm-08 opinions please
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2009, 02:32:08 PM »
It's a great little cartridge, easy to reload for.  It flat kills better than the numbers might have you believe.  With the right bullet, it will do nicely on elk or moose with in reasonable range.  It does a little better than the great 7X57 Mauser factory loads, which has killed everything upto and including elephant.  I now have 4-7mm-08's, one of which is a handi.  Wait around and the Montanan will chime in here as well, you can read his adventure with his new one here.  DP
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Handi's:22Shot, 22LR, 2-22Mag, 22Hornet, 5-223, 2-357Max, 44 mag, 2-45LC, 7-30 Waters, 7mm-08, 280, 25-06, 30-30, 30-30AI, 444Marlin, 45-70, AND 2-38-55s, 158 Topper 22 Hornet/20ga. combo;  Levers-Marlins:Two 357's, 44 mag, 4-30-30s, RC-Glenfields 36G-30A & XLR, 3-35 Rem, M-375, 2-444P's, 444SS, 308 MX, 338Marlin MXLR, 38-55 CB, 45-70 GS, XS7 22-250 and 7mm08;  BLR's:7mm08, 358Win;  Rossi: 3-357mag, 44mag, 2-454 Casull; Winchesters: 7-30 Waters, 45Colt Trapper; Bolt actions, too many;  22's, way too many.  Who says it's an addiction?

Offline puma4440

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Re: 7mm-08 opinions please
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2009, 02:45:02 PM »
I wish I could get a 7x57 barrel, my old can almost drop .30 cal bullets through the bore. :'(  But since it's becomming outdated, I figured I'd give the 7mm-08 a very serious look.

Offline Lazermule

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Re: 7mm-08 opinions please
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2009, 03:01:01 PM »
I don't have the 7mm-08 in a Handi but that barrel is on my list.  I do have it in a gun that is somewhat lighter than a Handi and the recoil is light and it has been a great cartridge for me.  I actually bought it for my small framed wife and whenever it ain't in her hands, me and the kid are fightin over it.  My normal deer rifle is a 7mm Mag which has treated me well, I just like the much lighter recoil in the 7mm-08 and it is a shooter for sure.  I did some LONG range shooting with it this past summer and it did REAL well.  Pick up a 7mm-08 barrel, throw a nice Nikon on it and I think you'll love it.  I have found that mine shoots 100gr all the way up to 140 gr bullets very well and puts 139 gr Sierra Match Kings within an inch at 200 yards and 5 within 10 inches at 1000 yards.  Not too bad for a field grade hunting rifle that I have less than $500 invested into.


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Offline Wyo. Coyote Hunter

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Re: 7mm-08 opinions please
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2009, 04:28:12 PM »
 :D puma, I have had 2 7mm-08's. Neither a handi, but the 700 had a Douglas 24 inc. barrel and was very accurate....I think I shot h414 with 139 grain Horn. in it. That bullet was a favorite of a friend of mine in Pa. who used the 7mm-08 to take a bunch of deer. I never shot a head of game with it, but rebarreled to .22-250. Last fall, I had a rebarreled #1 in 7mm-08, Shot one 8 point whitetail with it. Did a nice job. Range was not long.. The caliber seems easy to load for, accurate, and for wood/field hunting in Pa. should be fine.  I still have the 700 barrel in 7mm-08, I have decided if I find an action I will put it back together.

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Re: 7mm-08 opinions please
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2009, 04:41:27 PM »
I flat out love this caliber, and it is a light recoiling rifle taboot.  I now have two kills with it, and there will be plenty more for sure and for certain  ;D