I have a 14 inch S.S. 209x50 made by bullberry.
I use 95 grs of pyrodex p and hornady 240 xtp mag 45 cal bullets. and some bulk sabots (bright orange).
Last year I took a 6 pt buck at about 10 yards one shot kill
today I shot a doe at about 80 yards she drooped in her tracks while she was trashing around a norther doe came in to see what was going on I quickly reloaded and took a second shot. I was in a hurry and shaking from the first doe. I missed her bad.
I also had a ruger old army. I scoped it with a no name 2x scope. I took a nice doe on the run at 30 yards with it drooped her in her tracks. Latter the same season I tried to take a little buck at 40 yards. I know I hit it. but the deer walked off with no blood or any other signs I ended up shooting at it 5 times and never did find any good signs of a fatal hit.
I sold off the ruger package and a contender barrel and bought the 209x50 and never looked back.
If you have the money and can stand the very long wait I would go with a bullberry or a VVGW 209x50.
I guess I can say "Been there , done that, and got the deer to show for it :-D