Author Topic: Homemade reamer's  (Read 933 times)

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Offline 26-t

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Homemade reamer's
« on: November 09, 2009, 04:36:21 PM »
 30 years ago, on a night just like tonight, my mentor Percy "Red" Stevenson, broke his shop made 22 Hornet reamer . I was watching over his shoulder (too closely now that I think of it). He was chambering up a new barrel for his Winchester lo-wall in 22 Hornet. Red had spent a couple of days making the reamer out of A-2 tool steel. He cut the profile on the lathe, then he set the profiled blank in the mill in a homemade fixture and milled 6 flutes on the reamer and then off to heat treat it with the cutting torch flame. The next day. Red spent some time sharpening the reamer. I got home from work and made a beeline to Red's basement shop, this would be the night to see the reamer in use. Red had the barrel  chucked up in the 4 jaw chuck of the belt drive Atlas Lathe, dialed in at .000 total run out .Dead nuts on the spot. He had pre drilled the chamber roughed with a series of drill bits before the final reamer was used. All went well till the shoulder angel of the reamer caught and the DANG thing snapped.   I was digging thru some of Red's cigar boxes tonight and found that DANG reamer.  I had to share this story.  Red has been gone from this world for about 25 years now but I still try keep some of his tools in good use and the knowledge he left for me will be used for some good by the shooter to come.  ;)  The next one he made out of O-1 steel and left more meat in the root of the reamer. My other neighbor, George, still has Red's  updated and improved 22 K Hornet reamer.   26-t