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One gun hunter
« on: November 16, 2009, 04:56:46 AM »
Anyone here just hunt with one rifle?  :) I think there is a lot to be said for the one gun hunter. I hunted for about 25years with one gun before all this rifle louney insanity infected me. I believe I was a better marksman during those years.  ;D Whats your experience along these lines?


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Offline Bossloper

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2009, 05:14:58 AM »
It's funny that you ask this, because when I was younger & poorer, all I had was one rifle & one shotgun, but that has since changed. I am in the process of trying to get back to that somewhat, but I am having some seperation issues each time I contemplate selling a firearm.  :-\ The insanity is exactly what happened to me over the years. I hunt mostly large game (deer, bear & moose) and I have decided on my Marlin 38-55 cowboy. Everything else is slowly finding new homes with the exception of what I need for CAS & black powder shoots. I am keeping a couple 22's for plinking & small game, but I'm really trying to elliminate all of the other firearms that I had to have, but really don't use. Sometimes the toughest & longest part of going shooting is figuring out which guns to take. I'll probably never be cured 100%, but I wouldn't mind if there were fewer choices.  :)
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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2009, 10:05:59 AM »
As has been said we see what we like and think we have to have it because of it is the lateist thing and hotist on the market and then something else comes along an next thing you have a safe full and only one gets to go hunting because it is your favorite. That seems to be the nature of the beast. Most of us could get by just fine with one rifle, one shotgun and a pistol.Funny about this subject coming up as I was thinking today that I have no use for all of these guns so I am also thinking of thinning the herd and getting back to only one or two plus a plinker.

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2009, 11:40:04 AM »
Tryed just cant seem to do it, would have beter luck giving my dog away.
an unloaded wepon is equal to the same mass and volume as a rock.

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2009, 02:28:58 PM »
I could never give my dogs away. :-)
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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2009, 03:13:32 PM »
I could never give my dogs away. :-)

I just did this about 2 months ago :'( :'(
Change of life style trying to go back on being a liveaboard at least for a good part of the year.
Next comes a number of rifles and a whole bunch of reloading stuff that need a new home.

Then dealing with a wife who isn't keen on this( understatement) :(
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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2009, 04:52:52 PM »
I'm going to try. Marlin 336 30-30win. I figure there isnt anything on the continent that i want to kill, that i cant, with my good ol' 30-30.

I love the looks i get from people when i tell them i am hunting with a 30-30, and not using a scope to boot!!! The reacitons are hilarious.

Offline pastorp

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2009, 05:05:46 PM »
BBF, I've been thinking about a liveaboard for when retirement catches up to me.  :) Southeast Alaska has tons of opportunity for that lifestyle.

The best I have done so far is a few 2 week trips in the 28' cruser I used to own. For year round living I think I need at least 40'.


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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2009, 01:31:30 AM »
your right bossloper I could never give my dog away eather,so I'll just keep the guns and dog
an unloaded wepon is equal to the same mass and volume as a rock.

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2009, 05:37:16 AM »
JWP...enjoy the simplicity you have hunting with a lever 30/30 and open sights.

If yer like me the day will come when the sights get real fuzzy and the target even fuzzier...Ha!  Then find a low power scope and keep it up.

Pastorp...As for "one rifle"....Why?  Folks with only one gun may be more familiar with their weapon (or not) but it certainly doesn't make them a better hunter or better shot.  If you can only afford one gun thats a different story, you'll probably get by fine depending on what you hunt and the rifle you choose.

Personally, I could probably live with a .22 for plinking and small game, a varmit caliber hvy bbl for p-dogs in a .223, say a .220 swift for coyotes in the open country, a good compact deer gun for the woods like a Model 7 in 7mm-08, an open country long range  big game rifle such as a .264 mag for mule deer and antelope, gotta have a go-to for elk and larger game ie. 338, a muzzle loader for the "muzzleloader" seasons, a rifled slug gun for the "short range season", a mini-14 for defending the homestead; a good 338 Lapua for long range tactical work; a...well, you got the picture as I see it. 


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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2009, 09:29:47 AM »
Well silvertip, If that works for you then great.  ;D  I didn't say I only owned one gun just that I primarely hunted with one gun. I have found a 308 will kill everything from deer to elk to bears to moose. Thats all I really need. But thats just me.  :)


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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2009, 11:18:54 AM »
I've not really been a one gun hunter since I traded bb guns for firearms. Even as a boy before I owned my own guns I used dad's .22 rimfire and his shotgun so wasn't truly a one gun hunter even then. Now in the early days after I was old enough to buy my own I did have one .22 LR, one .22 Magnum, one Remington 870 shotgun and a few handguns.

I could if I really had to I guess get by with one rimfire, one shotgun, one centerfire rifle and a couple of handguns but danged if I'd ever do it intentionally.

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2009, 12:05:58 PM »
I'm having a hard enough time thinning out my six lever guns. The safe has runnith over.
I need help, can someone recommend a shrink?
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Offline Halwg

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2009, 12:34:22 PM »
I don't think I've ever done this.  Maybe the first year or 2 I hunted i had one rifle and one shotgun.  I like shooting different guns too much.  But as I get older, I do need to get rid of some guns!
The older I get...The better I was.

Offline Ron/Pa.

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2009, 01:07:52 PM »
 I remember , in my youngster days, that my Dad and uncles only had a shotgun , a .22 and a Deer Rifle apiece . Most of the High Powers were cut down Mausers and Krags. A box of Shells would last for years.
      I started out with a .303 British bought for $12.95 from the Aldens catalog. My Uncle cut the Barrel down and reset the front sight. It shot an excellent group at 100 yds. Only problem was the Peep sights were set for 300 and 600 yds! Never got a Deer with it but several Groundhogs at long range bit the dust!! I now have a .243 Tikka that almost one holes `em at 100yds, but I sure wish I had the British back......

Offline scootrd

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2009, 01:25:41 PM »
I did just this last year, cleared house , all Pistols, rifles, and shotguns... all gone. (one of those was a .303 British as well, now it;s gone with the rest of em.)
Kept only 4 firearms ,
my Dad's 30-06 and Grandfathers Win Mod 12 for sentimental reasons.
my new Mod 7 7mm-08 for Deer hunting this year.  
Better half's 357 Security-six for nightstand.

Actually felt physically ill for a few days after, But for me it was the right thing to do.    

When the economy picks up and I can squirrel away enough money I may end up re-purchasing a Lever Action
(for open sight use also) and a Plinker 22 pistol again someday.

With this economy and my paycheck I am straining to make ends meet and just can't justify purchasing more firearms anymore. It's too bad really cause I had my eye on a CDL SF , then they came by and filled my propane tank and when I saw the bill reality bit me right square in the butt ( ouch!!!) and knocked me to my senses.

The older I get , the more of a minimalist I become. Sometimes by choice, mostly by necessity.
But it's amazing what your really don't require

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2009, 02:52:38 PM »
I didn't read your above post until after I typed the PM. Your location brings its own considerations. 40 feet is a fair size depending on how many bodies you plan to house.
We did it in a 32 foot boat for two people that was custom designed and built just for that purpose and we could have used two more feet but moorage price goes by the foot :(

Back to guns:

I lived and hunted happily for many years with a Ruger 77 chambered for the 30-06 with a Sears( I think) single shot 12 gauge sitting in a closet most of the time.

I wish I know what happened to make me go nuts in buying a whole bunch more firearms. At present there are three 30-06'es in my household alone. ::)
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Offline briannmilewis

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2009, 04:45:45 PM »
In the 70s I had a 22 LR and 410 shotgun for a few years, sold 'em before I came to the U.S. Always wanted to get into shooting since 1981 and finally got a Henry 22 in 2002 to control ground squirrel on 10 acres in Michigan, and a Heritage 22/22Mag Single Shot pistol. Sold 'em before I came to Missouri in 2004. Bought a 22 Hornet in late 2008 and started reloading. Recently had to sell it all due to unemployment.

Before selling it all off I had great plans and a list of future purchases of rifles. Having to sell it all off has made me rethink just how many rifles would be useful. The answer is 6, two for me and two each for my teenage boys. I am thinking 3x22LR plinkers, plus a 357 Max, a 7mm-08 or 25-06, and a 30-06. I do have a wildcat idea that may come to fruition, but that is just a non-essential rifle.

When my boys have left home and taken their rifles, one 22LR plinker one other for me. Keep it simple. Simple is good.

As scootrd said, "The older I get , the more of a minimalist I become. Sometimes by choice, mostly by necessity. But it's amazing what your really don't require".

Also, getting divorced, going bankrupt, having to give your home back to the bank, and extended unemployment, will force you to become a minimalist in short order.

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #18 on: November 19, 2009, 01:11:20 PM »
I could get by with one Centerfire Rifle or Carbine but   WHICH  one would it be ???
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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #19 on: November 19, 2009, 01:20:35 PM »
I wish I could be. I usually use my Marlin 444, but every now and then, go to 30-06, when elk are moving.

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2009, 03:30:02 PM »
If I hunt in heavy woods I use my 50 year old win 94 30-30. For long shots it's my rem 700 sps in 7-08 with a Nikon Monarch. Sometimes you need to switch guns depending on the conditions.

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2009, 03:49:37 PM »
See that is the problem with the 30-06. You can do with this cartridge everything unless you specialize in dangerous game or varmints you really don't have an excuse for anything else in this part and several others of the world.

So I got one bolt, one pump and one auto banger in that cartridge.

That leaves a .243 Win, a 284 Win, a 44 Rem Mag carbine two Handi's in 45-70 and a plain Jane 54 cal ML to deal with besides a 22LR ::)
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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2009, 05:17:20 PM »
I was refering to one centerfire rifle. Being primarely a big game hunter it would work for me. I think we still need a 22 rifle and a shotgun. Thats why my latest effort in this direction is buying a Drilling. I'll see if it works out for me. 16ga double over 7x57R with a 22mag insert. Should handle everything I hunt. Guess the question is can I handle giving up more of my toys.  ::)

While I hunted with one gun mostly for 25years I owned so many I've been selling them for over 2 years and still have a bunch. Although I am beginning to feel some "seperation issues" as someone described it.


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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2009, 02:59:35 AM »
I'm going to try. Marlin 336 30-30win. I figure there isnt anything on the continent that i want to kill, that i cant, with my good ol' 30-30.

I love the looks i get from people when i tell them i am hunting with a 30-30, and not using a scope to boot!!! The reacitons are hilarious.

Don't let the gun-rag writers see you!  They'll all have fits when they find out that you aren't using a whizbangshortymag with an 18 power scope, and they'll call the fashion police if they find out you're wearing some hunting clothes besides a paramilitary sniper outfit.

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2009, 12:15:57 PM »
................Being primarely a big game hunter it would work for me. I think we still need a 22 rifle and a shotgun. Thats why my latest effort in this direction is buying a Drilling. I'll see if it works out for me. 16ga double over 7x57R with a 22mag insert...................


If you are in bear country I would be just a little bit worried with the 7x57. Not counting the 16 gauge with a slug if they make them you got a single shot rifle. :-\
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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2009, 01:55:25 PM »
BBF, no brown bear on our island but on islands north of here and on the mainland there are quite a few.  :) Most of the time they avoid you but????????????


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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #26 on: November 20, 2009, 02:14:37 PM »
The topic of this post is something that I have thinking about for a while. When I was younger, I was content with one high-power rifle, one shotgun, and one .22 rifle, no hand guns, one sheath knife, a couple of pocket knives. I didn't realize that I needed more than that. I spent more time outdoors fishing and hunting back then and I was not concerned about the guns that I did not have. When I got older and a little more affluent and made friendships with gun-loving friends, I realized that I needed more guns that I didn't have. One of my former employers was a great gun fanatic. He owned at least 150 assorted guns and had reloaded for most of them. He was true rifleman and could hold his own with anyone. He taught me reloading and stirred up my interest in all kind of guns. I've come full circle since then and now that I am still  older,  have come to my senses. I sold off most of what I had collected.  I like keeping things simple and back to basics.

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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #27 on: November 20, 2009, 03:06:21 PM »
Anyone here just hunt with one rifle?  :) I think there is a lot to be said for the one gun hunter. I hunted for about 25years with one gun before all this rifle louney insanity infected me. I believe I was a better marksman during those years.  ;D Whats your experience along these lines?


  It's been working for me for many years,

  and i think it's made me a better hunter, and a better big game shot...

  Congrats on ypour new drilling, pastorp!


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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #28 on: November 20, 2009, 03:25:17 PM »
It's funny that you ask this, because when I was younger & poorer, all I had was one rifle & one shotgun, but that has since changed. I am in the process of trying to get back to that somewhat, but I am having some seperation issues each time I contemplate selling a firearm.  :-\ The insanity is exactly what happened to me over the years. I hunt mostly large game (deer, bear & moose) and I have decided on my Marlin 38-55 cowboy. Everything else is slowly finding new homes with the exception of what I need for CAS & black powder shoots. I am keeping a couple 22's for plinking & small game, but I'm really trying to elliminate all of the other firearms that I had to have, but really don't use. Sometimes the toughest & longest part of going shooting is figuring out which guns to take. I'll probably never be cured 100%, but I wouldn't mind if there were fewer choices.  :)

Bossloper, I have been experiencing exactly the same thing. A year or so ago, I began selling guns I seldom use. I have a Winchester Model 94 3030 that was bought new in 1958, and I hunted with it for years, but caught the gun fever in about 1973 or 74 and have gone thru a ton of em. As I have gotten older I realized that what I started out with was really all I needed. I have a pump 870 I have had for well over 25 years, a couple of 22s, a Model 92 Winchester clone I have reworked in 357 mag., and a couple more, along with a couple pistols.
All are going except the 870 shotgun, the two Winchesters, and the two pistols. I have however switched from the 3030, more to the 357 mag rifle. I like the 24" octagon barrel it's a tack driver, and will really out shoot the 3030. Also, more folks live in this area, and it is good out to about 165 yards, and that far enough now. I don't frustrate about which gun to take any more either.
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Re: One gun hunter
« Reply #29 on: November 20, 2009, 04:04:19 PM »
Thanks DM for the congratulations and the advise during the search.  ;D 

Sounds like many of us that are looking for a simpler life are about the same age group. I'm old enough to take early retirement but too stuborn to do that. But I look at all this stuff and wonder where it all came from. In time it becomes a burden, even the things we love do. Like a kid with a room full of toys, he can't decide which to play with.

A few years ago I got back into boating, wasn't long and I realized I owned 5 boats. Well I'm down to 1 now and want to buy another but won't until I get rid of the one I have. I wanted to buy another bike so I did. Then I needed a container to keep it in. I looked in the container the other day and I believe there breeding in there. There are 4 of them in there.  ::)

Life sure can get complicated can't it!


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