Hello T/C nimrod & KYODE
When we full length size a case it requires cleaning in a mechanical tumbler/vibrator machine with ground corncob media (some people use ground walnut hulls). This type of cleaning removes the lubricant from the case. I use a Dillon reloading machine and the cleaning process interupts the reloading process by removing each cartridge after FL sizing and waiting for the cleaning process and reloading the cartridge cases in the machine a second time.
If you lube the case for sizing, I have found that it is very time consuming to hand wipe the cases. Handwiping the cases, even with a solvent, still leaves some lubricant in the metal pores of the case. There are two serious problems with any lubricant on the brass case. One is when the cartridge is fired, it expands and grips the chamber wall. The lubricant allows the cartridge case to slip back toward the breach block before the heat fries the lubricant. This action will cause the overall case length to grow, especially after several firings. The second issue is the remaining fried lubricant will also, change the ease of extraction from the chamber. The extraction difference may or may not be noticed.
The headspace gauge is a great tool. However, it is rare that any two chambers are of the same dimensions. I set up my sizing dies and test them in the chamber that they will be used in. However, if you are loading for a semi-auto like the 223 or 308 rifles for serious business, I would use the headspace gauge to be assured that all rounds will fit and fire.
Kyode: You might consider the cleaning issue of remaining lubricant on your cases. I would love to have a 7-08 in the Encore. I recently acquired an Encore in .243. A 7-08 is in my future if my elbow holds out.
Too many gadgets? I only added the Lyman M-1 die a couple of years ago to ease the strain on extraction of the neck expander balls from the case necks. The expander ball extraction, in my opinion, is a cause of sretching the neck. It is like drawing metal tubing. It also does not draw the metal evenly. You may notice that the case mouth becomes out of square after several resizings. That will be the expander stretching. I have tried carbide expander balls with minimal improvement.
Another contributor inquired about the power of my loads. I stay away from maximum loads as I don't find any need for them. Example: 7X57 Mauser with 175 gr bullet and 38.4 gr of BL-C2 at 2400 fps. That will slam dunk a 55 pound steel Ram at 500 Meters (546 yards) with a retained 907 foot pounds of energy at the target. My 7TCU loads are running out the 14" tube at 1850 fps with 26.6 gr of H335 behind a 140 gr Remington bulk bullet. With the Burris 7X scope, that load will head shoot the 500 meter Ram. Doesn't always knock it down, but I am just delighted to hit it and after several hits, it will fall over. (don't have to set targets so often, either).
30-30s and cartridges that headspace on the rim are serious candidates for Neck Sizing Only if used in the same firearm. I use very modes lead loads in my 10" 30-30 and never have to resize. I have a 30-30 Marlin Cowboy and I use a moderate load at 2000fps and neck size them only. Occasionally, I have a neck sized case that will not fit easily. I hold it out and full length size it, but that is rare and I sometimes think I got the case mixed up from one of the other 30-30s I use. I try to separate the 4 30-30s by case brand and one set is Nickle.
I shoot 2 times a week with 3 friends. They all neck size, but the don't use the M-1 die and one of them recently went to the Redding Bushing neck sizing die on all his cartridges (a bunch of cartridges). The bushing die sizes the neck to the exact required or desired inside neck dimensions.
He is very happy with those dies. My buddies shoot as much as I do and they rarely full length size.
KYODE: Have you checked the headspacing on your TC. All barrels don't fit a given frame the same. I have a frame that some barrels will not close easily and another frame that fits too loosely with my 7TCU 14" and it will not shoot as accurately as a better fitting frame. It will also, allow primer cratering. I still don't understand that cratering. Other barrels work well with that suspect frame. Who knows!!!!!!!!!!!!
Harold Clark