I'm with you. It's a man's burden.
We seem to be a minority Questor.
I don't worry about being politically correct. Facts are facts, and they speak for themselves.
The women in the military today are not the same as yesterday. We had women in the Army in the 60's that were doing a great job at clerical, Care giving and other jobs suited to women, and I believe it was very important work.We called the women doing these jobs Wac's I think in the Navy they were called Waves, and Waff's in the Air force.
Women are being used in positions they are unqualified to do, and they can not do the stressful and strenuous jobs men do.
Men are over 30% stronger than women, especially in the upper body. Although many feminists cannot face this fact, females simply do not have the strength or endurance necessary to be, for example, effective combat soldiers.
Women express their emotions more readily and experience a greater intensity of emotion.
Stress Disorders - Anxiety disorders are chronic illnesses that occur more often in women than men. The risk of post-traumatic stress disorder following some traumatic experience is much higher in women than men. (This is the opinion of Psychologists....not mine)
The ways men and women handle stress are fundamentally different. Men generally handle bad situations by reacting in a proactive manner, feeling compelled to find a solution. Women almost invariably have the well-known panic reaction. Proof of this can be had any of the 13 times a day that women can be found crying, inexplicably.
I believe that there are some hard wired differences in men and women, that are equally important.
Neither one is better or worse, simply different.
Co-ed military does not work, and never will.
I don't think we have won a war since it's implementation!. I say discharge her and quit this foolishness!........."Ducking my head again"