Then there are those of us who have 41's and 45's and don't want 44's, regardless of gun. After a bit, it becomes a matter of personal choice. The old Ford:Chevy thing; at least to a degree. Within normality, there is nothing that has a legal season in the Lower 48 that the average handgun hunter is going to tackle that any of the three won't handle. 41's are getting hard to find components, agreed, but not impossible. The stuff is out there. 45's probably are more difficult to extract the accuracy of either the 41 or the 44, but are accurate enough for the job with appropriate practice.
Two years ago, private sale, nearly new 45Colt Bisley Blackhawk Blue, $385.00
Can't be in a hurry, if you are bargain hunting. Whatever your choice, you will be the winner!