I know in the " traditional " Africa sense, big bores were 40 cal and up. But I believe this ? is purely subjective to geographic location, and game size. Even here on the NA continent deer (mature), can vary greatly in body weight. So traditionaly a .358 (medium bore), could be a "big" in the South, or even here in the upper Midwest.
In the "traditional", I think there were 4 catagories. Mini's, small, medium, and big. If I remember right, they were, up to .25, .26- .32, 33 up to .40, and 40 & above, respectively.
Well personally, that just ain't goodenuf. I think we need to break that down just little. My thoughts are, Mini's .24 & under, .25 up to .30 small, .30-.35 medium, .36 upto .40 big, above .40 large, really really big, or my favorite MAGNUS. ( excluding the 50 BMG and black powder.)
Like I said, purely subjective. Spose GB goina add more boards now?
Just my rambling thoughts! :roll: