How do we make the changes? We probably are beyond being able to make changes the right way, since many people that live in this country think the government owes them something, and they vote for "stuff" instead of the bigger picture.
This leaves us without much of a way to change anything short of what our forefathers told us would happen would boil down to powder and bullets. That don't sound good, but it seems our founders already knew that would have to happen, we just have trouble accepting that hard fact.
What am I doing now to change things? I'm doing my best to break the state and the feds by paying as few taxes as possible, and waiting until the very last day to pay anything at all. Also will make some cash on the side and not ever turn that in. Cutting back so much it actually will starve the State, and it's working well, Michigan is about to go under right now as a bunch of us that still have jobs have pulled back and live like we are in a depression. We refuse to spend anything we don't have to. I am cutting them off the same as I would cut off a kids money who didn't handle it well. The best way right now to fight this mess, is for every person to hold back the taxes, stop spending, find ways to slow down the flow of money to the governments...check the proper boxes on your W4 it all year long, maybe make a few bucks on it, then pull it out and pay on the last day. Starve em out. I do call my representatives, both my wife and I about once a week...they could care less. Leave the message and hang up.
Far as I'm concerned....the faster they all fall, the faster we can get to the powder and bullets thing, or a peaceful revolution at the voting booths...which I would prefer...but one or the other has to happen at some point.
For those that think I'm bordering on the illegal side trying to hold back taxes and not pay so much...your probably technically right...but it's also not legal to funel 8.5 billion bucks to Acorn, send my money to other countries for abortions, or support the funding for the study of pig oder...and thousands of things like that hidden in their legislation over many years.