Just got back from sighting in my new 20ga. USH. Little disappointed but it may be an ammo issue, not the gun. I was doing well at 50 yds with Winchester regular sabots but when I backed up to 100 yds I was off the paper, perhaps they were tumbling.
I had a box of Winchester Platinum's and managed to get back on paper with a 4" group @100yds.
Went to the store and picked up 2 boxes each of the Platinums, Gold Partitions, Rem Copper Solids, etc., about $3-4/round, to get back out tomorrow.
I have just read that the forend rest is very important, a lot of good tips here but opening day is Sat. so as usual I'm behind the 8 bal.
I have been reading here, and correct me if I'm wrong, that some of you use straight, unsaboted, slugs in your USH. Is this correct? How do they work out? Lot better than $3-4/round.