Author Topic: 45 Colt Oversized cylinder throats  (Read 2089 times)

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Offline GSaltzman

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45 Colt Oversized cylinder throats
« on: November 19, 2009, 03:13:39 AM »
Mr. Veral, My Ruger Bisley has cylinder throats that run .4545 and the bore slugs at .451. I have not had much luck getting this gun to shoot cast slugs. Even sizing to fit the throats yields poor results. My question is this, Would a LFN help the accuracy of this gun? I've tried loads ranging from 1,000 fps to 1,300 fps chronographed. Bullet used was the RCBS 270 SAA. I have several of your moulds in .44's .45acp and for my 45-70 so I know the quality of your products. Other than trying this I'm looking to send it back to Ruger to have the correct sized cylinder fitted. One other thing with the cylinder is that the chambers are also oversized as you can see the results after resizing. Thanks!

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Re: 45 Colt Oversized cylinder throats
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2009, 06:27:20 PM »
  I hate the 45 colt chambering for this reason.  It is something that started when it came out as a blackpowder gun and manufactures tend to still chamber them way oversize.  I seriously doubt that you'll get anywhere with returning it to Ruger, except for a song and dance about how it shoots perfect with some jacketed load.

  All the RCBS designs for revolvers that I've looked at have a deadly serious flaw, especilly for this kind of condition, and that is the very short, or worse yet, under size drive band they put outside the case.  It spells disaster if the bullet has any chance at all to tip on takeoff. 

  My advise on this gun is to fire lap the barrel real good, to be sure there is no constriction, but go beyond that and lap till the forcing cone is smoothed and enlarged a couple thousandths.  Then the barrel can guide a good strong bullet straight.  If you can determine what size bullet it would take to fill the chamber order an LFN in at least 280 gr at that diameter, and that would be your size diameter.  I'll cut the nose band at a close fit to the cylinder throats and the nose length probably a bit short so rounds will chamber, even with the first band a bit oversize.  This will hold the bullets in near perfect alignment while they are getting jambed through the cylinder throats and on down into the small barrel.  The gun will shoot accurately with this setup, using heavy or light loads as you choose.  A gas check bullet will possibly be an asset to help keep the base square while it's coming down to groove diameter, yet PB will shoot very well if the bases are square when they are loaded.
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

Offline GSaltzman

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Re: 45 Colt Oversized cylinder throats
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2009, 02:58:04 AM »
Thank you sir for the reply. I plan on pushing a softer slug down the bore to feel for any restrictions. I firelapped my super redhawk as per your instructions years ago and it really made this gun shoot. I'll try Ruger to see what they say and if they do not want to help I'll go your route. Regardless, I still want an LBT mould for this gun.

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Re: 45 Colt Oversized cylinder throats
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2009, 03:53:48 AM »
It seems that Ruger has very inconsistent throats in 45 colt. I had the opposite problem. My Blackhawk in .45 colt had cylinder throats way undersize. I couldn't slip a .451 bullet all the way through without using a brass hammer to tap it through. My barrel was .4515. Needless to say accuracy was terrible.

I sent my cylinders to to have them reamed out to .452 for a very reasonable price. Now I get a nice slip fit with cast bullets sized to .452 and group sizes are cut at least to half of what they were. I can't say exactly how accurate the gun is because I don't have a scope for it, my 51 year old eyes don't do iron sights like they used to.

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Re: 45 Colt Oversized cylinder throats
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2009, 01:43:12 PM »
  Probably lapping the barrel would tighten accuracy quite a bit more.  The fact that your gun was undersize is solid proof of what I'm preaching almost every time I write anything about cast.  Whether pistol or rifle, it MUST be considered an individual, measured and properly fitted to insure top end accuracy from the gitgo.

  About your degrading eyesight.  I clearly understand.  I started having trouble with good iron sight picture in my mid 40's, and at 50 or so it was no longer worth carrying a revolver with iron sights here in the dark gloomy woods of North Idaho.  Then I learned that my left eye still worked pretty good and switched to using that eye.  I could hit a quart oil bottle at 100 yards fairly consistently, standing with two hand hold.  But my eyes didn't stay that way.  The eye doc told me to take zinc suppliment to stop macular degeneration, so I started on that a couple of years ago, and it seemed to help a little, then in the last few months I started taking kelp capsules, a half dozen at a time, plus the zinc, and other supplements that I normally take for other reasons.  My eyes have improved quite dramatically, with my vision being about twice as good in my opinion, which is the only opinion that counts, I reckon.  The horrible stress and ugly diet, with no nutritional supplimentation, of 5 years of prison is what brought my serious eye problems on.  So I'm recommending that if you have serious stress, dump it somehow, or if you don't eat high quality food, which means primarily organic, be sure to suppliment heavy.  Kelp has every mineral known to man in a near perfect balance.  I've found Now brand to be of excellent quallty and as affordable or more affordable than any others.  Get them in health food stores, or search Iherb, for the best price and excellent service.
  I've known for years that kelp supplimentation alone will make the healthiest animals you'll ever see, but didn't have the brains to do it myself.  Being sorry doesn't help!   Hope all of you now have the brains to do it!  And don't wait till you finally realize your eyes and other critical functions are weakening.  Start young.
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25

Offline Bucks Owin

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Re: 45 Colt Oversized cylinder throats
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2011, 12:10:49 PM »
I'm a real "johnny come lately" to this thread, but my first year NM Blackhawk .45 has similar dimensions .455"+ throats and .452" groove. (Charge holes big enough for 1870's dented/dirty gvmt cartridges  ::) ) I found accuracy much improved by shooting .454" cast bullets. I had some leading issues for a time,  but Veral's astonishing LBT blue fixed that completely...

Many thanks for your exceptionally great lube, I'm a user for life!

(My collection of other commercial and shootin/blastin forums witch's brew lubes are now used for fluxing only!  ;D )