i had an old pit as a boy .. he pretty much ruled the town.. i later raised them as i loved ole jacks courage.. then i quit when people started raising what i call the pepsi generation of pit bulls..
my dogs were almost too friendly to strangers etc.. but the guys who bought them totally disregarded what i told them about the fact that they were aquiring the magnum dog of dogs..after too many pics of them raging at people at the end of thier chain,,i just got rid ofem..
no small child should be left alone with an animal that has been inbred so much for thier gameness an fighting ability ,that they are far too unpredictable.. as far as that goes most any large dog capable of inflicting terrible damage should be left alone with small children ,,who might pull ole rovers ears just a bit too hard one day..
now i know many will site thier successes with doing this sort of thing.. but for me ,,its a bit to much of a chance of things going very bad,,very quick..now small dogs bite also but the difference in potential
catastrophy is what make me lean toward smaller dogs for childrens pets..
i know of golden retrievers ,saintbernards ,rotts and of course the magnum dogs that have been guilty of killing children as well as adults..
my kids have been taught not to chance it..not with my grandkids.. slim