We all are often right, though some less than others, and sometimes only in our own minds, and then there are always the two or three that never really say anything at all, but instead belch and fart.
In regards to what you say Palin IS, and I will not redundantly repeat it, as it has been printed by yourself. This is a "SPECULATIVE CONCLUSION" OF YOURS, not necessarily a fact. The only possible way it can be a fact is that if she for example SAYS: I am an Israel first-er!
She has not, unless you have information otherwise. But to say: I am for the right for Israel to exist, and I support them in that right, is not an accurate description of a name such as Israel First-er, and I will give the same analysis of your other things that you say you KNOW, as no proof is offered of YOUR PERSONAL CONCLUSION.
Now! As far as the bull excrement, I am sure that you have left your share of piles in your lovely state, where ever that may be, and here also.