That's why I made the post. If I go to the convenience store and get a cup of soda, the minimum size available in my area is 22 ounces.
The portions question is so basic that it's amazing that I never see it defined. I have recently seen some define it as an amount the size of your fist, or a medium apple. Well, I've got a gargantuan fist compared to most guys, but I'm not that much bigger that most. Medium apples here are about 3 inches in diameter, in other places medium is 4 inches in diameter.
After all the fuss with atomic clocks, electronic scales, micrometers, trigonometry, and all the other measurement tools we have, why can't we have a convenient measure for the food we eat? I can understand "a cup of this", "an ounce of that". I can't understand "portion".
Portion sizes in America have exploded since I was a kid. The ubiquitous McDonalds french fry comes to mind. Now they sell them in big bucket-sized containers. When I was a kid they were a few ounces in a small paper sack.