This is NOT about "if the lock works". It's about S&W "dumbing down" gun owners.
I'm trying to light a fire under those "sheep" out there who feel that as consumers they have no control over what S&W has jammed down their throats. You all don't think that the clintonhole is the END of the so-called safety devices that will be forced on us, do you?
THAT IS THE POINT OF THIS THREAD, and I can see it's hopeless.
If S&W decided that all S&W handguns had to be colored pink, I've come to realize a good number of you would probably buy two. All I can say is God help us if you guys were all we had when the Brits owned S&W & people like me forced them out of business for making their deal with clinton.
There is no such thing as "a little encroachment on our freedoms" any more than a female can be "a little pregnant".
Its mighty refreshing to hear you echo my sentiments with the S&W lock. It's there because S&W was purchased by a lock making company and they feel that they can jam them down our throats and the new gun buyers won't notice and the older buyers will just accept it and say that there's just nothing that can be done, just accept it.
I don't know about anyone else here but these locks smell alot like the smart gun technology that's being forced upon NJ gun owners. I'm afraid that if gun owners don't stop and address the manufacturers that are yielding to political pressure and other pressure that conflicts with their customers wants, then we will continue to get things we don't want.
For those who like the lock, please buy more. But those of you that don't , please don't encourage S&W (or any other company for that matter) to continue producing things we don't want...with your dollars. Company's WILL notice, resistance is just NOT futile. When sales slow and marketers are looking for more sales, THIS will be an item discussed.
I have purchased many, many S&W's without the lock and S&W has forfeited NUMEROUS sales just by ME alone. I would surely consider new S&W's , but not until the lock disappears.